Study Human Resource Management (HR) Abroad with Emonovo

Human Resource Management (HR) focuses on managing an organization’s workforce. This field includes recruitment, training, performance management, and employee relations. Students learn to develop strategies to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Studying abroad in HR through Emonovo provides exposure to international HR practices and labor laws, enhancing students’ ability to manage diverse workforces.

Save up to £4,000
De Montfort University logo

De Montfort University

Gateway House, Leicester LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

International Foundation Certificate – Business and Law (Undergrad)

  1. Business
  2. Law

Degree type

Bachelor, Foundation year

Pathway duration

2 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$15,151 $20,205


Jan, Sep
Save up to £4,000
Queen’s University Belfast logo

Queen’s University Belfast

University Rd, Belfast BT7 1NN, United Kingdom

Graduate Diploma in Management (Postgrad)

progression programs:

  1. Arts Management-MA
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorders-MSc
  3. Business Administration-MBA
  4. Children’s Rights-MSc
  5. City Planning and Design-MSc
  6. Construction and Project Management-MSc
  7. Criminology & Criminal Justice-LLM
  8. Criminology and Criminal Justice-LLM
  9. Educational Leadership-MSc
  10. Educational Studies-MEd
  11. Human Resources Management-MSc
  12. Inclusion and Special Educational Needs-MEd
  13. International Business-MSc
  14. International Commercial and Business Law-LLM
  15. Leadership for Sustainable Development-MSc
  16. Leadership for Sustainable Rural Development-MSc
  17. Management-MSc
  18. Marketing-MSc
  19. Planning and Development-MSc
  20. Psychological Science-MSc
  21. Software Development-MSc

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees

$17,025 $21,772


Jan, Sep
Save up to £2,000
University of Aberdeen logo

University of Aberdeen

King's College, Aberdeen AB24 3FX, United Kingdom

Business & Law (Postgrad)

Progression year:

  1. Accounting and Finance MScEcon
  2. Business Analytics MBA
  3. Business Law and Sustainable Development LLM
  4. Criminal Justice and Human Rights LLM
  5. Criminal Justice LLM
  6. Energy and Environmental Law (with dissertation) LLM
  7. Energy and Environmental Law (with Professional Skills) LLM
  8. Energy Law (with dissertation) LLM
  9. Energy Law (with Professional Skills) LLM
  10. Energy Management MBA
  11. Finance and Investment Management MScEcon
  12. Finance and Real Estate MScEcon
  13. General Law LLM
  14. Human Rights LLM
  15. Intellectual Property Law and Information LLM
  16. International Business and Finance MSc
  17. International Business Management MSc
  18. International Commercial Law (with dissertation) LLM
  19. International Commercial Law (with Professional Skills) LLM
  20. International Finance & Political Relations MSc
  21. International Human Resource Management MSc
  22. International Law and International Relations LLM
  23. International Law LLM
  24. International Law, Security and Strategic Studies LLM
  25. International Relations and Management MSc
  26. International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation (with Professional Skills) LLM
  27. International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation LLM
  28. International Trade Law LLM
  29. Law and Economics of Oil & Gas MSc
  30. Marketing Management MSc
  31. Master of Business Administration MBA
  32. Natural Resources Law LLM
  33. Oil And Gas Law (with Professional Skills) LLM
  34. Oil and Gas Law LLM
  35. Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance MScEcon
  36. Public International Law LLM

Degree type

Master, Pre-Master’s

Pathway duration

1 Terms

Annual tuition fees

$11,962 $14,481


Jan, Sep, Nov
Save up to £2,500
University of Law logo

University of Law

14 Store St, London WC1E 7DE, United Kingdom

Psychology Undegraduate (Undergrad)

  1. BSc (Hons) Psychology
  2. BSc (Hons) Psychology Online*
  3. BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$18,190 $21,394


Save up to $24,000.00
DePaul University logo

DePaul University

2400 N Sheffield Ave, Chicago, IL 60614, United States

College of Education (Undergrad)

  1. Early Childhood Education (BS)
  2. Elementary Education (BS)
  3. Exercise Science (BS)
  4. Secondary Education (BA/BS)
  5. Special Education (BS)
  6. World Language Education (BA)

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$21,322 $45,322


Jan, Apr, Sep
Saint Louis University Madrid logo

Saint Louis University Madrid

Av. del Valle, 34, 28003 Madrid, Spain

Department of Business and Economics (Undergrad)

  1. Business – Sports Business (B.S.)
  2. Business – Accounting (B.S.)
  3. Business – Entrepreneurship (B.S.)
  4. Business – Finance (B.S.)
  5. Business – International (B.S.)
  6. Business – Leadership & Human Resources Management (B.S.)
  7. Business – Marketing (B.S.)
  8. Economics (B.A.)
  9. Economics (B.S.)
  10. Aviation Management (B.S.)
  11. Health Management (B.S.)

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees



Not Defined Intakes
  1. Archaeology
  2. BA (Hons)-Film/Media and Journalism Studies
  3. Business Studies and Film/Media-BA (Hons)
  4. Business Studies and Law-BA (Hons)
  5. Business Studies and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  6. Criminology
  7. Criminology and Sociology-BA (Hons)
  8. Exercise and Sports Science
  9. Film and Media-BA (Hons)
  10. Film Production
  11. Film/Media and Journalism Studies-BA (Hons)
  12. Film/Media and Marketing-BA (Hons)
  13. Film/Media and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  14. History
  15. Human Resource Management and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  16. International Politics and Languages-BA (Hons)
  17. International Politics-BA (Hons)
  18. International Relations
  19. International Relations
  20. Journalism
  21. Journalism Studies and Politics-BA (Hons)
  22. Journalism Studies-BA (Hons)
  23. Journalism, Media and Communication-BA
  24. Law-BA
  25. Law-BA (Hons)
  26. Marketing and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  27. Media Studies
  28. Philosophy
  29. Politics
  30. Politics and International Relations-BA
  31. Politics and Psychology-BA (Hons)
  32. Politics and Social Policy-BA (Hons)
  33. Politics and Sociology-BA (Hons)
  34. Politics-BA (Hons)
  35. Psychology
  36. Psychology and Counselling-BA
  37. Psychology-BA
  38. Sociology
  39. Sociology and Social Policy-BA (Hons)
  40. Sports Management

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

Annual tuition fees



Jun, Oct, Jan
Save up to $4,838.00
University of Essex logo

University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom

School of Criminology (Undergrad)

  1. BA Criminology
  2. BA Sociology and Criminology
  3. BA Social Anthropology
  4. BA Criminology with Social Psychology
  5. BA Criminology and American Studies
  6. BA Criminology with Counselling Skills
  7. BA Criminology with Criminal Law
  8. BA History and Criminology
  9. BA Journalism and Criminology

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

$17,633 $22,471


Oct, Jan
University of Reading logo

University of Reading

Whiteknights House, Reading RG6 6UR, United Kingdom

Business, Economics, Finance and Management (Undergrad)

Progression routes:

  1. BA Accounting and Business Flying Start degree
  2. BA Accounting and Management
  3. BA Accounting and Management with Placement Experience
  4. BA Economics
  5. BA Economics with Placement Year
  6. BA International Relations and Economics
  7. BA International Relations and Economics with Placement Year
  8. BA Modern Languages 
  9. BA Politics and Economics
  10. BA Politics and Economics with Placement Year
  11. BA Primary Education (QTS) 
  12. BA Primary Education with Maths 
  13. BEng Architectural Engineering 
  14. BSc Accounting and Finance
  15. BSc Accounting and Finance with Placement Experience
  16. BSc Accounting and Finance with Year Abroad
  17. BSc Agricultural Business Management
  18. BSc Business Economics
  19. BSc Business Economics with Placement Year
  20. BSc Business and Management
  21. BSc Business and Management (Accounting)
  22. BSc Business and Management (Accounting) with Placement Year
  23. BSc Business and Management (Accounting) with Study Year Abroad
  24. BSc Business and Management (Data Analytics and Digital Business)
  25. BSc Business and Management (Data Analytics and Digital Business) with Placement Year
  26. BSc Business and Management (Data Analytics and Digital Business) with Study Year Abroad
  27. BSc Business and Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
  28. BSc Business and Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) with Placement Year
  29. BSc Business and Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) with Study Year Abroad
  30. BSc Business and Management (Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour)
  31. BSc Business and Management (Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour) with Placement Year
  32. BSc Business and Management (Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour) with Year Abroad
  33. BSc Business and Management (Marketing)
  34. BSc Business and Management (Marketing) with Placement Year
  35. BSc Business and Management (Marketing) with Study Year Abroad
  36. BSc Business and Management with Placement Year
  37. BSc Business and Management with Study Year Abroad
  38. BSc Consumer Behaviour & Marketing
  39. BSc Consumer Behaviour & Marketing with Placement Year
  40. BSc Economics
  41. BSc Economics and Finance
  42. BSc Economics with Placement Year
  43. BSc Environmental Management and Sustainability
  44. BSc Environmental Management and Sustainability with Placement Year
  45. BSc Environmental Management and Sustainability with Placement Year
  46. BSc Finance
  47. BSc Finance (FinTech)
  48. BSc Finance (FinTech) with Placement Year
  49. BSc Finance (FinTech) with Study Year Abroad
  50. BSc Finance (International Business)
  51. BSc Finance (International Business) with Placement Year
  52. BSc Finance (International Business) with Study Year Abroad
  53. BSc Finance (Investments)
  54. BSc Finance (Investments) with Placement Year
  55. BSc Finance (Investments) with Study Year Abroad
  56. BSc Finance (Sustainable Finance)
  57. BSc Finance (Sustainable Finance) with Placement Year
  58. BSc Finance (Sustainable Finance) with Study Year Abroad
  59. BSc Finance with Placement Year
  60. BSc Finance with Study Year Abroad
  61. BSc Food Business and Marketing
  62. BSc Food Marketing & Business Economics
  63. BSc Food Marketing & Business Economics with Placement Year
  64. BSc International Business and Management
  65. BSc International Business and Management with Placement Year
  66. BSc International Business and Management with Study Year Abroad
  67. BSc International Business and Management with a Modern Language
  68. BSc International Business and Management with a Modern Language with Placement Year
  69. BSc International Business and Management with a Modern Language with Study Year Abroad
  70. BSc International Development
  71. BSc International Development with Placement Year
  72. BSc Investment and Finance in Property
  73. BSc Real Estate
  74. BSc Real Estate Finance
  75. BSc Real Estate with MSc Diploma in Urban Planning & Development
  76. MEng Architectural Engineering 

Degree type

Foundation year

Pathway duration

3 Terms

Annual tuition fees

GBP 20,190


Save up to $12,000.00
University of South Carolina logo

University of South Carolina

Columbia, SC 29208, USA

College of Social Work (Undergrad)

  1. Social Work

Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

$23,414 $35,414


May, Aug
Save up to £3000
University of East London logo

University of East London

University Way, London E16 2RD, United Kingdom

School of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance (Undergrad)

  1. BSc (Hons) Accounting And Finance
  2. BSc (Hons) Accounting And Finance (Fintech Pathway)
  3. MAccFin (Hons) Accounting And Finance
  4. BA (Hons) Advertising
  5. BSc (Hons) Banking And Finance
  6. BSc (Hons) Business Management
  7. BSc (Hons) Economics
  8. BSc (Hons) Economics (Pathway Fintech)
  9. BSc (Hons) Human Resource Management
  10. BSc (Hons) International Business Management Top-up*
  11. BSc (Hons) Marketing
  12. BSc (Hons) Marketing Data Analytics

Degree type



3 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 14,110 USD17,903


Sep, Jan
Save up to $14,000
Central Methodist University logo

Central Methodist University

411 Central Methodist Square, Fayette, MO 65248, United States

Bachelor of Science in Education (Undergrad)

  1. Physical Education
  2. Social Science Education
  3. Special Education


Degree type



4 Years

Annual tuition fees

USD 13,840 USD27,840


Aug, Jan

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